has also covered a little quick-fix jet lag preventer. What helps you avoid it?
On Monday night stay up as late as reasonably possible. I made it to 2:30am.
On Tuesday morning, don’t set an alarm, just wake up naturally. I woke up after 10am.
On Tuesday night, don’t sleep at all. The key to this is finding something engaging to occupy yourself. I finished upgrading my blog to a new WP-2.1 compatible theme.
Once on the plane, take as many short naps as you need. I had a two hour nap after the first meal around 2pm (per the timezone I had just left)
Don’t go to bed at the hotel until at least 10pm in the destination timezone. I managed to stay up until midnight
Set an alarm for your usual wakeup time in the new timezone. Even if you wake before the alarm, try not to get up. I woke up for the bathroom around 4:30am, but went back to sleep until my alarm sounded at 7:30am
How To Avoid Jet Lag – []